
Sean Alexander Kaiulani Chun
2 min readDec 23, 2020


Salutations! My name is Sean Alexander Kaiulani Chun. In this blog I am going to share a little bit about my progress in my GameDevHQ Internship. First, I will share a little bit about on my progress in the “Thruster: Scaling Bar HUD Challenge in the “Phase1: Framework” Section in the GameDevHQ: 2D Development Course. Second, I will share a little bit about trouble shooting the “Thruster: Scaling Bar HUD. Lastly, I will share a little bit about the benefit of relying on my own research to complete each challenge in the “Phase1: Framework” Section.

I just shared with you what I will be sharing with you in this blog. Now, I will share a little bit about on my progress in the “Thruster: Scaling Bar HUD Challenge in the “Phase1: Framework” Section in the GameDevHQ: 2D Development Course.

First, my approach to the “Thruster: Scaling Bar HUD” Challenge is very dynamic. So far I have created the the image for my “Thruster: Scaling Bar HUD” Scaling in the User Interface. I searched through the “Unity Asset Store” for a stylish design until I found one I liked. In addition to coding the “Thruster: Scaling Bar HUD” I will adjust the “Player: Thruster” that will correspond with the thruster’s activity. The final challenge will be to add audio to bring the thruster to life.

I just shared with you a little bit about on my progress in the “Thruster: Scaling Bar HUD Challenge in the “Phase1: Framework” Section in the GameDevHQ: 2D Development Course. Now, I will share a little bit about trouble shooting the “Thruster: Scaling Bar HUD.

Second, trouble shooting has been very challenging, but I feel like I am very close to a break through. The main challenge I have encountered is finding the correct combination of code that will do everything I need it to do. Due to using sprite assets I must find a way to script the UI image without attaching the script as a component. Its gonna look great once find a solution.

I just shared with you a little bit about trouble shooting the “Thruster: Scaling Bar HUD. Now, I will share a little bit about the benefit of relying on my own research to complete each challenge in the “Phase1: Framework” Section.

Lastly, for the most part I have been able to recycle the codes I learned within the 2D Development Course throughout the ”Phase1: Framework” Challenge. The benefit of doing my own research is that I am discovering more about finding my own solutions through the process of trial and error. The ”Thruster: Scaling Bar” Challenge may be the one that requires me to reach out to a teammate. Although, I have not found the exact solution I am looking for, I believe I can combine multiple solutions if I research enough.

I just shared with you a little bit about the benefit of relying on my own research to complete each challenge in the “Phase1: Framework” Section. I look forward to sharing more about my progress in the GameDevHQ Internship soon.

Thank you.

