Power Down Routine

Sean Alexander Kaiulani Chun
2 min readNov 20, 2020


Salutations! My is Sean Alexander Kaiulani Chun. Today I am going to share about my progression in my GameDevHQ Internship. First, I am going to talk about my Internet being down for most of the day. Second, I am going talk about breaking my glasses. Lastly, I will share a video on my progression after completing the Powerup- Shields Section in the GameDevHQ 2D Development Course.

I have just told you about what I will be talking about in this blog and now I will share about my internet being down.

First, I got up and got myself ready to start the day. I tell myself that today I am going to make some strides. Then, as I proceeded to start up mt Google Chrome, I was met a real life Coroutine(InternetPowerDownRoutine) with an IEnumerator, Yeild Return set to unknown. Basically I had no access to the internet on my PC. I had to wait for my roommate to come home to reboot the router later in the day before I was able to complete the Powerup Shield Section in the GameDevHQ 2D Development Course.

I have just told you about about my internet being down now I will tell you breaking my glasses.

Second, during my frustration of my internet being down I started brain storming on how I can make some progress with out internet access to my PC. Then, I came up with the exciting solution of running unity and watching videos on my phone. In order to proceed all I had to do was go get my glasses from my car. When I found my broken on my seat realized that I had not only broken my glasses by sitting on them but one of the arms was missing. I had to take the remainder of my glasses to my Vision Center and have them order me some frames which would take a couple days to be delivered. On my way home I picked up some crazy glue, rubber-bands and chopsticks. heere is a picture of my success:

I have just told you about about breaking my glasses. Lastly, I will share with you a video on my progression after completing the Powerup- Shields Section in the GameDevHQ 2D Development Course:

I have just shared with you a video on my progression after completing the Powerup- Shields Section which concludes what I will be talking about in this blog. I will leave you with a quote that I like to keep in mind.

“If you find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn’t lead anywhere.”

-Frank A. Clark-

Thank you.



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