“Player 1” Error

Sean Alexander Kaiulani Chun
3 min readNov 23, 2020


Salutations! My name is Sean Alexander Kaiulani Chun. This blog was intended for Friday. That being said, today I am going to tell you a little bit about my experience in the GameDevHQ Internship. First, I will tell you about the 2pm workshop we had on Friday with Jonathan Weinberger. Second, I will tell you about how I began my process of building a web page and setting up my online profiles as a Software Engineer. Lastly, I will talk about my ongoing progression in the User Interface Section of the GameDevHQ 2D Development Course.

Now that I have told you what I will be talking about in this blog, I will tell you a little bit about the 2pm workshop we had on Friday with Jonathan Weinberger.

On Friday, 20 November, 2020 Jonathan Weinberger hosted a webinar for us interns. I enjoyed Jonathan’s enthusiasm and thorough knowledge of using C# scripting code in the program Unity. When he was demonstrating how to trouble shoot course challenges I was enlightened to the fact that “A software engineer is a professional researcher.” At that moment I thought to myself ”Yeah, I can do this.” It was great! We went over things like accessing Unity’s syntax library with C#, the logic of the “GetComponent” function and the seemingly endless applications of scripting with C# in Unity. I thought it was hilarious that when he coded his ”Doomsday” function, it crashed his program. It was very fun to watch.

Now that I talked a little bit about the 2pm workshop we had on Friday with Jonathan Weinberger, I will tell about how I began the process of building a web page and setting up my online profiles as a Software Engineer.

Secondly, as I progress through the GameDevHQ Internship it has become apparent to me that this maybe a viable carrier path. In the “Getting Started” video all of the GameDevHQ Interns were instructed to watch and in the webinar prior to last Friday’s, Jonathan said it is important to become an authority in the Software Engineering field. He strongly suggested that we are to customize a “Word Press” webpage and a“Linkdn” account, which was previously apart of his non accelerated version of the GameDevHQ 2D development course. I began my process with a “Linkdn” account and realized that I do not have any business professional photos of myself. After reconsidering my approach to building my “Linkdn” and “Word Press” profiles, I scheduled a photo shoot with Adam Jung, who is a photographer by trade, for some digital ”Headshots”. Now I look like the part of Proffessional Software Engineer!

Now that I have talked a little bit about how I began my process of building a web page and setting up my online profiles as a Software Engineer, I will tell you about my ongoing progression in the User Interface Section of the GameDevHQ 2D Development Course.

Lastly, I reached a major delay in my progress this weekend and it was a matter of adding a space between a word and a number. I re-watched the video lectures, and rewrote the codes over a dozen times before I realized that perhaps my stubbornness is the issue. Finally, I reached out for help in the #all-question-answer chat room in the communication platform, “Slack”, where a friendly fellow named Ryan, helped me find a solution. After about an hour after trouble shooting we found the issue. The “String”,“Player1” in my “GetComponent” script needed to be “Player 1”.

In conclusion, my overall lesson learned was to pay attention to every detail when writing out code. Alternatively. one can set up “null checks to be safe” or a “Player 1” error might stop your progression in its tracks.

Thank you.



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