
Sean Alexander Kaiulani Chun
2 min readDec 19, 2020


Salutations! My name is Sean Alexander Kaiulani Chun. In this blog I am going to share a little bit about my progress in my GameDevHQ Internship. First, I will share a little bit about my progress in the “Secondary Fire Powerup” Challenge of the GameDevHQ: 2D Development Course. Second, I will share a little bit about how downloading audio assets is transforming my game. Lastly, I will share a little bit about my goals for this weekend.

I just shared with you what I will be sharing with you in this blog. Now, I will share a little bit about my progress in the “Secondary Fire Powerup” Challenge of the GameDevHQ: 2D Development Course.

First, the process of coming up with the “Secondary Fire Powerup” took a little troubleshooting and I could not use my first ideas. After a bit of research and consideration, I came up with my “Secondary Fire Powerup” which I named “Multiplicity” which enables the “Player” to activate two additional children spaceships. When “multiplicity is activated all three ships can fire a “Triple Shot Laser” for a total of nine “Lasers” that can fire for a “Nonuple Shot Laser”.

I just shared with you about my progress in the “Secondary Fire Powerup” Challenge of the GameDevHQ: 2D Development Course. Now, I will share a little bit about how downloading audio assets is transforming my game.

Second, when I search through the “Unity Assets Store” for icons and sound effects I found a couple of free asset downloads. I decided to just load up a variety of audio samples which are proving to be very applicable. I have been implementing sound effects in practically every challenge in the “Phase 1: Framework” Section. Each sound effect I implement brings another feature to life and I will be retracing my steps to add as many of these sound effects that I can.

I just shared with you about how downloading audio assets is transforming my game. Now, I will share a little bit about my goal for this weekend.

Lastly, my goal for this weekend is to complete the GameDevHQ: 2D Development Course. I want to focus on learning C# scripting, but I am learning a lot more that just scripting in the GameDevHQ Internship. I believe that if I can complete the 2D Development Course this weekend then I can begin my journey in changing my career.

I just shared with you about my goal for this weekend. Now, this concludes what I will be sharing with you in this blog. I look forward to sharing more about my progress in the GameDevHQ Internship soon.

Thank you.

