Getting There
Salutations! I am Sean Alexander Kaiulani Chun. Today I am going to tell you about the progression I made yesterday in my GameDevHQ Internship. First, I will tell about some of the challenges I faced before completing the “Deployment” section of the GameDevHQ 2D development Course. Second, I will tell you about how I fixed a couple bugs in my project. Lastly, I will talk a little bit about beginning the GameDevHQ C# Survival Guide Course.
I just told you what I will be talking about in this blog. Now, I will tell about some of the challenges I faced before completing the “Deployment” section of the GameDevHQ 2D development Course.
First, I began this course thinking it would be an easy section, which essentially it is. Right off the bat, when I initiated the build for my project, I notice that the file I had designated the build to were not receiving the project. Like a kid smashing a button that does not work expecting adifferent result, I made several attempts before the power went out. I asked my computer out loud ”Are you kidding me?!”. When the the power resumed, after what was the longest hour of my day, I was able to reach out on our communication platform, “Slack”, where Maryetta Buckner assisted me in resolving this matter. Turns out, it was a setting in the Filebase Plugin, which was not divulged in the video lecture being that the program “Unity” has been updated since those videos were made.
I just told you about some of the challenges I faced before completing the “Deployment” section of the GameDevHQ 2D development Course. Now, I will tell you about how fixed a couple bugs in my project.
Second, I had noticed a couple bugs in my project, so I decided to test out my game. I noticed that there has been a double hit on the “Enemy” game object after its explosion which was addressed in the “Galaxy Shooter Extras” section of the GameDevHQ 2D development course. Next, I discovered that my “Triple-Shot Power Up” animation was not playing, so I went into the animator and dragged the animation image sequence from the “Sprites” folder to fix it. Lastly, I found a bug in my “Shield Visualizer”, which I fixed by adding code to the “Player” script to deactivate the “Shield Visualizer”.
I just told you about how I fixed a couple bugs in my project. Now, I will talk a little bit about beginning the GameDevHQ C# Survival Guide Course.
Lastly, I wanted to complete the GameDevHQ C# Survival Guide Course before starting the GameDevHQ 2D Development Course. Although it was nice to get instant results on the screen, I still feel that I should have completed the C# Survival Guide Course first. Looking back to Jonathan Weinberger’s “Getting Started” tutorial video, he tells us to use the C# Survival Guide Course for reference through out the 2D Devlopment Course. My new strategy is to refer back to my 2D Development project as I progress through the C# Survival Guide.
I just told you a little bit about beginning the GameDevHQ C# Survival Guide Course. This concludes todays blog. I look forward to sharing more about my progression in my GameDevHQ Internship soon.
Thank you and Happy Thanksgiving!